2009年12月11日 星期五

All the past three months

About an year ago, i was looking for the opportunity to go exchange. I had a hard time actually. Gotta confess, It was not as easy as i thought it would be. The paperworks, exam practicing, school searching, thesis meeting, no one could ever imagine how excruciating this is gonna be unless he/she had been there once.

Glad that i made it. And now i'm in Canada and has been here for more than three months, i even finished one semester here. Everything here was brand new for me; even the weather could amaze me. For the first time i have to live on my own for the next three months; for the first time i know that the grass is NOT always greener on the other side of the fence; for the first time i've taste the European traditional food -crêpe; for the first time i've been to CNE, Nuit Blanche, Walmart, Niagara Falls and Montreal, etc; for the first time i get the chance to meet so many foreigners and learn so much about their culture; for the first time i can see and feel the snow falling in front of me and on me; for the first time i walk on the snow and have my feet sunk into it; and for the first time i feel what's like to walk outside when the temp is only minus 8 celsius degree and wind chill freeze the snow. Also, how lucky i'm to have the chance to go to Montreal, Niagara Falls, New York. I walked around the old town of Montreal and it felt like walking in France or somewhere in Europe. Whilst the atmosphere is totally different in New York. Busy, tight squeeze but still a dazzling city. Be sure indulging yourself with that. And don't forget to see broadway shows it'll never let you down. It was absolutely great to make your first halloween experience the Halloween parade in NY. Of course, skip the shoppin' is the last thing you wanna do. So, schedule Woodbury or Jersey Garden Outlet in your trip!

Back to the school life, i also learned a lot from school works and activities. We learned that foreigner are not that good at planning activities, but we Taiwanese do; and we did a great diplomacy and introduce them Taiwan. Besides, I've made some friends and surely i have great memories here; even though not all of these memories are nice. This is Life, isn't it.

I can't describe it in words but something did change.

On Brooklyn Bridge

Now it's less than two weeks left, the life here is going to closure, nonetheless, another new life with a totally different attitude is going to take off.

